Safari Calculator ←
Safari Calculator
{ "version": "1.3.2", "cfg": { "form": { "formTitle": "Safari Calculator", "formId": "safari-calculator", "adminName": "Ozondjahe Hunting Safaris", "adminEmail": "", "fromEmail": "", "sendCustomerEmail": true, "returnUrl": "", "autoRedirect": false, "submitLabel": "Send it Off!", "signBefore": "$", "signAfter": "", "showPrices": true, "jqueryPCP": true, "dateFormat": "jS M Y, g:i a" }, "pcp": { "floatSub": true, "showPricesOption": true, "itemize": true, "showZeroAs": "false", "subAlign": "right", "decimalSep": ".", "pricesFadeTime": "", "emptySummaryText": "Please configure your order...
" }, "templates": { "adminEmailTemplate": "{{#subject}}Online Order Form{{/subject}}\n \nDear {{adminName}},\n
An order has been submitted on the website:
IP Address: {{ipAddress}}
\nDate: {{date}}
Online Order Form ({{formTitle}})
\n \nItems
\n \n {{#options}}\n \n\n \n \n
\n \n {{title}}
\nOption | \nValue | \nUnit Price | \nQuantity | \nPrice | \n
{{title}} | \n{{value}} | \n{{unitCostFormatted}} | \n{{quantity}} | \n{{costFormatted}} | \n
\n | \n | \n | Subtotal: | \n{{groupUnitCostFormatted}} | \n
\n | \n | \n | Quantity: | \n{{groupQuantity}} | \n
\n | \n | \n | Total: | \n{{groupCostFormatted}} | \n
\n \n {{/options}}\n \n {{#files}}\n
Uploaded Files
\n {{^files_list}}\nNo files were uploaded.
\n {{/files_list}}\n- \n {{#files_list}}\n
- {{value}} \n {{/files_list}}\n
Grand Total: {{totalCostFormatted}}
", "customerEmailTemplate": "{{#subject}}Online Order Form{{/subject}}\n \nDear {{sp_name}},\n
Thank you for the recent order that you placed on our website! The details are as follows:
Date: {{date}}
Online Order Form ({{formTitle}})
\n \nItems
\n\n{{#options}}\n \n\n \n \n
\n \n {{title}}
\nOption | \nValue | \nUnit Price | \nQuantity | \nPrice | \n
{{title}} | \n{{value}} | \n{{unitCostFormatted}} | \n{{quantity}} | \n{{costFormatted}} | \n
\n | \n | \n | Subtotal: | \n{{groupUnitCostFormatted}} | \n
\n | \n | \n | Quantity: | \n{{groupQuantity}} | \n
\n | \n | \n | Total: | \n{{groupCostFormatted}} | \n
\n \n {{/options}}\n\n{{#files}}\n
Attached Files
\n {{^files_list}}\nNo files were attached.
\n {{/files_list}}\n- \n {{#files_list}}\n
- {{value}} \n {{/files_list}}\n